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The huge amounts of residues generated by the mining industry have caused a number of environmental problems, not only in Brazil but worldwide. During the extr...

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At this time, there is a crisis associated with concern over the safety of tailings dams and lack of trust in their design and performance. This crisis has resulted from recent high-profile failures of dams at locations with strong technical experience, conscientious operators, and established regulatory procedures. It is the primary intent of this Lect...

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Large-scale mining operations generate vast quantities of tailings that are deposited in hydraulic-fill tailing dams in the form of slurries. Stability of these impoundments require investigation of water table configuration, aquifer boundaries, site characterization and determination of short and long term properties of tailings. These aspects are eval...

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Deposit formation back analysis of a two-year iron ore slime impoundment managed by the sub-aerial method is performed using two complementary approaches. The first one tries to identify the deposit stratigraphy and its formation history. This is made possible through sorted document review (reports, design documents, personal communication, photos, etc...

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