Volume 31, N. 2

May-August 2008

Laboratory Behaviour of Rio de Janeiro Soft Clays. Part 2: Strength and Yield


Volume 31, N. 2, May-August 2008 | DOWNLOAD PDF (14 downloads)


This paper summarizes the yield and strength behaviour of clays studied in the State of Rio de Janeiro in the last forty years, with emphasis on the role of the clay structure on strength and yield. The undrained strength normalised by the overconsolidation stress is analyzed against the plasticity index IP. Values of the clay friction angle φ’ are also analyzed against the plasticity index IP. Both data are compared with the available literature data, but the Rio de Janeiro clays have higher IP and also show more data scatter. As far as yield is concerned, it is shown that the use of the SHANSEP method results in the destruction of the clay structure with the loss of its anisotropic characteristics. An evaluation of the level of structure destruction is presented.

Keywords: Properties of sedimentary clays, Laboratory tests, Rio de Janeiro soft clays,

Submitted on March 08, 2007.
Final Acceptance on March 10, 2008.
Discussion open until December 31, 2008.
DOI: 10.28927/SR.312077